GMuG offers sensors in particular for applications in the field of microseismicity and acoustic emission (AE). A broad range of made-to-measure sensors allow the installation in a broad variety of settings e. g. underground, in boreholes or in the laboratory (frequency range from Hz to MHz).
Measuring Systems
The measuring systems are optimized for ambitious and complex measurements. The multi-channel devices are designed for steady state performance and long-term operation. The measurement and control plants allow e. g. for high sampling rates (up to 20 MHz), processing in real-time, network integration, and online access.
GMuG develops and maintains specialized software, in particular in the field of automatic wave onset detection (e. g. of P- and S-waves) as well as in the field of automatic (3D) localization of seismic events. Moreover software for advanced seismological research such as cluster analysis or source parameter analysis is available. Software and methodology is continuously updated.